瓏山林台北中和飯店 (RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe),於2000年起加盟國際連鎖飯店集團、2018年創立並經營的自有品牌。瓏山林台北中和飯店為瓏山林企業集團旗下之子公司,集團於新北市發跡,有鑒於其時新北市仍未有國際服務水準飯店,提供來訪賓客住宿及當地民眾用餐,因此設立瓏山林台北中和飯店,讓民眾在本地亦得享有高水準的餐飲及住宿服務。
RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe was established in the year 2000, partnering with international hotel group before founding and managing its own brand in 2018. RSL Hotel Taipei Zhonghe is a subsidiary company of RSL Corporation, which was founded in New Taipei City. It is the first international standard hotel in the city, providing foreign and local guests with an exceptional dining and accommodation option in the area.