1.自行開車建議 (1)由北部(台北)南下開車路線:國道三號(北二高)或國道一號(中山高)請接國道三道214K的霧峰系統交流道轉國道六號→愛蘭交流道→左轉往埔里接台21線→魚池→日月潭→『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』 (2)由南部(高雄)北上開車路線:國道三號(北二高)或國道一號(中山高)請至國道三道竹山交流道或名間交流道下轉台16線→集集→水里→台21線→日月潭→『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』
2.大眾交通工具建議 (1)搭乘客運南下: A.台北出發:於台北西站搭乘國光客運直達日月潭或到埔里後轉搭南投客運,於日月潭水社遊客中心下車,步行至『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』約3分鐘 B.其他客運南下:搭乘客運(往台中或埔里)→南投客運→日月潭水社遊客中心下車,步行至『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』約3分鐘 (2)搭乘客運北上:搭乘客運(往台中或埔里)→南投客運→日月潭水社遊客中心下車,步行至『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』約3分鐘
3.火車:搭乘火車至台中火車站→南投客運→日月潭水社遊客中心下車,步行至『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』約3分鐘
4.搭乘高鐵請於【烏日台中站】下車後,前往第5出口,轉搭乘南投客運→日月潭水社遊客中心下車,步行至『山慕民宿 Sun Moon Inn』約3分鐘
Dear VIP: Do’s and Don’ts ���� �� In case system miss your reservation.Please reconfirm your reservation with us. �� The VIP add us on Naver Line or Whatsapp or WeChat has the best service. Such as free parking, suggestions for your trip, and so on. �� Sun Moon Inn is running the business as B&B , not a hotel, therefore, there is no 24-hour counter service, check-in time is: 15:30~19:00. We leave work at 19:00. �� In order to maintain the quality of accommodation, please according to the number of people in the room type you choose when having check-in. Sorry for not accepting the request of unexpected additional guests on the spot.
VIP’s Service Account: �� Line Official Account ID:@sunmooninn216 �� Whatsapp:+886 981741652 �� WeChat Official Account:sunmooninn216
�� As a sustainable initiative and an effort to create a more eco-friendly environment, the hotel no longer provides disposable amenities in guest rooms starting from 2019. If you need any assistance, amenities can be purchased at front desk.