六合日麗Sunnyside Hotel以「風和日麗」和爵士樂 ” On the Sunny Side of the Street” 為靈感而命名。是一間位在高雄市六合觀光夜市中,「極簡唯美、 鬧中取靜」的綠色旅店。飯店緊臨捷運「美麗島站」旁,交通十分方便;全館以純淨的留白與色彩相互對話,為遠道而來的旅人們,營造出一個淡雅、乾淨、悠閒、自在的空間。 Sunnyside Hotel is a 10-story hotel in the heart of midtown Kaohsiung. The new minimalist style hotel has 74 rooms and is located right in the Liouhe Tourist Night Market. Subway stop right around the corner and it is within walking distance of many popular destinations like Central Park and Love River.